I went to the year 3,000, not much had changed but we lived under water – who knew that scientist worked with Busted on that hit track, subtly trying to get us to pay attention to the rising sea levels way back in 2002!

It’s World Ocean Day on 8 June, if you don’t fancy the realities of living under water for real, here are six easy ways you and your business can have a positive impact. Of course you know the ocean has a lot on its plate – oil spills for starters, the plastic crisis and climate change, a hearty main and industrial fishing as the sweet finisher – but did you know that we’ve studied the surface of Mars in more detail than we have the ocean floor? Just another fascinating illustration of how we often prefer to examine outwardly.
1. Support the good guys
Get behind the organisations working to protect our oceans by listening to what they are saying. Here’s a handful to follow on social media to get you started:
Surfers Against Sewage
REV ocean

2. Reduce your daily impact
Switch to LED light bulbs in your office and your home. They are the most efficient in every way. Explained here
Reduce the temperature on your thermostat. Jumpers are sexy
Take one less private car journey per week. Walk, cycle, get into public transport
Once you start, it’ll become easier to build on your green lifestyle – a lifestyle that maintains the health of the environment.
3. Use less plastic The stats on plastic usage, production and pollution are so inconceivable, all you really need to know is that we all need to use less. Then there will be less in the sea. Here’s 51 easy ways to reduce your plastic usage.
4. Learn about the UN’s Global Ocean Treaty Right now only 1% of all international waters are protected. Scientists say that we need to protect at least 30% by 2030 to halt their decline and the Global Ocean Treaty is our “once in a lifetime” chance. Sign the petition.
5. Support sustainable fisheries There’s even more to supporting sustainable fisheries than saving marine life and the livelihoods of fishermen. A recent study calculated that bottom trawling fishing methods could be adding more carbon into our atmosphere than aviation! In other words, by not supporting sustainable fisheries, you are directly putting your future self in harm.
Greenpeace are currently focused on putting pressure on our Government, asking they join the fishermen united against destructive industrial fishing by banning industrial fishing in the UK’s Marine Protected Areas. You can help by signing the petition.
Really simple, really important – make sure that the sea creatures you eat have been sustainably or responsibly sourced. Apart from processed fish e.g. fish cakes or fish fingers, all fish packaging and fresh fish counters must state where and how it’s been caught – if it doesn’t say sustainably or responsibly fished… then leave it on the shelf, future you will say thank you.

6. Talk more about marine conservation Conversation, education and public awareness are key drivers of marine conservation efforts so it’s fundamental that we keep talking between us. Start by telling someone, one thing you’ve learnt from reading this today.